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2010.03-2012.05 日本名古屋大学特聘副教授,主要参与完成了JST-CREST)战略基础研究推进事业重大项目1

2006.04-2010.03 日本国立产业技术综合研究所(广岛、名古屋)博士后研究员,主要参与完成了经济产业省战略技术开发基金项目2

2002.10-2006.03 获陕西科技大学硕士学位,同年公派日本高知大学攻读博士学位

1996.07-2002.09 陕西科技大学(原西北轻工业学院)助教、讲师

1996.06 获西北轻工业学院硅酸盐工程专业学士学位


新型纳米功能材料(金属氧化物、金属及合金纳米団簇材料等相关复合材料等)在环境及能源等领域的研究开发。纳米功能化材料在超级电容器、锂空气电池、低温燃料电池及新型生物传感器等研究开发方面取得了一定研究成果。获国家自然科学基金面上项目资助2项。在 《Journal of Materials Chemistry   A》《Applied Surface Science》,《Journal   of Power Source》,《Journal of Alloys   and Compounds,Journal   of the American Ceramic Society》等国际期刊上发表学术论文80余篇,获日本授权专利4项,中国授权专利4项。同时担任多个国际性学术期刊审稿专家。主要讲授《无机非金属材料工学》、《材料科学前沿专题》及《新型无机材料》课程。


1.Three-dimensional   self-supported CuCo2O4 nanowires@NiO nanosheets   core/shell arrays as an oxygen electrode catalyst for Li-O2   batteries   Journal of Materials Chemistry A2021, 9, 3007-3017

2.Fe2O3   nanorods decorated with ultrafine CeO2 as binder-free cathode to   improve the performance of Li-O2 batteries, Electrochimica Acta2021368, 137645

3.Directly   synthesis of ACo2O4 (A= Ni, Cu, Fe, Zn) nanowires on   carbon cloth as oxygen electrode catalysts for rechargeable lithium-oxygen   batteries, Applied Surface Science, 2020, 529,147064

4.Tuning   MnCo2O4 nanowire arrays on carbon cloth as an efficient   cathode catalyst for Li-O2 batteries, Electrochimica Acta, 2020,   353,136572

5.Solution   plasma method for the preparation of Cu-Ni/CuO-NiO with excellent methanol   electrocatalytic oxidation performanceApplied Surface Science2020, 513,   145808

6.Cu/Cu2O/carbon   cloth as a binder-free electrode for non-enzymatic   glucose sensor with high performance, New Journal of Chemistry2020, In press

7.Blanket-like   Co(OH)2/CoOOH/Co3O4/Cu(OH)2   composites on Cu foam for hybrid supercapacitor, Electrochimica   Acta2020,   334, 135559

8.Hybrid   Sn-Co binary oxide nanosheets grown on carbon paper as the supercapacitor   electrode materials, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 814, 152199.

9.Fabrication   of a Three-dimensional Interconnected Mesoporous MnCo2O4   for Rechargeable Li-O2 Batteries, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,   2020, 817, 152736.

10.Fabrication   of Carbon Cloth Supporting MnOx and its Application in Li-O2   batteriesNanotechnology2020, 31(16):   165709.

11.Electrochemical   Transformation Method   for the Preparation of Novel 3D Hybrid Porous CoOOH/Co(OH)2 with   Excellent Pseudocapacitance   Performance, Journal of Power Source2019, 443: 227278.

12.Copper/cobalt-doped   LaMnO3 perovskite oxide as bifunctional catalyst for rechargeable   Li-O2 batteriesJournal   of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 801: 19-26.

13.Facile   electrodeposition of MFe2O4 (M=Co, Fe) on carbon cloth   as air cathodes for Li-O2 batteries, Ceramics International,   2019 45(10): 13401-13408.

14.Facile   synthesis of PtPd/SnO2 nanocatalysts with good   photo-electrocatalytic property, Applied Surface Science, 2019, 471263-272.

15.Peanut   shaped MnCo2O4 winded by Multi-walled carbon nanotubes   as an efficient cathode catalyst for Li-O2 batteriesJournal of   Alloys and Compounds, 2018. 749: 433-440.

16.Simple   synthesized Pt/GNs/TiO2 with good mass activity and stability for   methanol oxidationNanotechnology,   201728(50):   505603.

17.Plasma-induced   synthesis of Pt nanoparticles supported on TiO2 nanotubes for   enhanced methanol electro-oxidation, Applied Surface Science, 2017, 399403-410.

18.Solution   plasma synthesis of Pt/ZnO/KB for photo-assisted electro-oxidation of   methanol, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 692: 848-854.

19.Controllable   synthesis and characterization of α-MnO2 nanowires, Journal of   Crystal Growth, 2016, 434: 7-12.

20.One-step   facile synthesis of carbon-supported PdAu nanoparticles and their   electrochemical property and stabilityJournal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 619:   452-457.


1.一种四氧化三钴介孔纳米片的制备方法、中国,    ZL201510063979.1

2.一种金属氧化物半导体纳米材料的制备方法、中国,    ZL201510063979.1

3.一种金属氧化物半导体纳米材料的制备方法、中国,    ZL201310045571.2

4.一种高比表面积介孔纳米片状氧化锌粉体的制备方法、中国,    ZL201310047042.6

5.Twin-connected   Structure of ZnO Rod Crystals, Twin-connected Film and Method of   Manufacturing Twin-connected Film, 日本,P5669048

6.ZnO   Whisker Pattern and Method of Manufacturing Same,日本,P5540365

7.Zn(OH)2   Nano-sheet / ZnO Nano-whisker Hybrid Film, ZnO Nano-sheet / ZnO Nano-whisker   Hybrid Film and Method of Manufacturing Same,日本,P5339372

8.ZnO   Whisker Film, Seed Layer for ZnO Whisker and Method of Manufacturing Same,日本,P5136982